Self-Care is the New Healthcare


Self-Care is an activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, physical and sometimes financial health.

Womanhood, Singleness, School, Career, Businesses, Paying off Debts, Saving,  Adulting, Traveling Dating,
Working Out,  Courting, Engagement, Wedding, Wife, Pregnancy, Motherhood, Social Life, Date Nights or Dates from Hell, then being a BFF, Daughter, Aunt, Sister, Cousin, Boss, or Entrepreneur.  

Nowhere in there did I say self-care. Where is it? How do we do it? In a recent article in Elle Magazine Beyoncé stated,

@elleusa Beyonce

@elleusa Beyonce

When was the last time you just focused on your health? What tools do you or have you used to focus on yourself?

Self-care is the new Healthcare. For me personally the tools I use for self-care is acupuncture, wellness retreats, diet and exercise. A friend of mine, introduced me to acupuncture 2 years ago she purchased a
franchise business called, ‘Modern Acupuncture’ it is a monthly subscription for 2 sessions a month you can go anytime, and if you need to go more often like weekly it is an additional small fee outside of your monthly subscription. I was a bit skeptical at first, because the visual of needles poking out of me was scary, but I was curious to see how it would affect me physically and mentally. It feels like a tiny pinch and you sit back in a recliner chair for like 20 minutes and let the pressure points release whatever aliment you are being treated for weather it be pain, migraines or arthritis, as Beyoncé stated, “I don’t just put any prescription in my body” so opting out of taking a pill since pills can be addicting a self-care approach can be acupuncture. After I had acupuncture I felt lighter, balanced and had a deeper sleep.

I went on my first yoga wellness retreat this year in 2019 with Adzentures we went to Costa Rica for 6 days, it was the best experience ever, the combination of begin disconnected, doing yoga, then going to the beach, and eating nutritious food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I wrote about it in a previous blog entitled “I need Self-Care “.   

And last but not least diet and exercise. I am Veganish I would say my diet is 100% diary free. I haven’t drank cow’s milk since 2009.  I no longer consume diary milk, eggs, or products that contain dairy like yogurt, cheese, or butter BUT I do still consume meat. I do not drink soda or caffeine, and I don’t or try not to eat
after 7pm. A shift in diet can totally change your mood, decrease your menstrual cramps and increase your energy. For exercise, I live in Arizona so a hiking trail is a 10 min drive so I go hiking, or go to the gym, and depending on my mood I lift, do row machine, elliptical machine or jump rope. I like to switch it up so it doesn’t become to redundant. When I feel good internally and look good physically externally I can avoid self pity.

Self-care is not just a spa day, it is an absolute lifestyle. It includes setting intentions, aligning yourself with peace, creating conscious choices, and learning that authenticity equals happiness.  Self-care can be different for everyone, some people probably don’t need acupuncture, or a yoga retreat or diet and exercise, but don’t feel like you have to “TOUGH IT OUT” either. Find balance and absolutely be patient with yourself.  If you don’t have support find some, if you don’t have the money save for it, or check out Groupon for discounts. And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ASK FOR HELP if you need it.


Sarah Simpson